Huffington Post: 5 Best Reasons for a Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage, also known as a HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage), can be used for many reasons to accomplish many purposes.  In my experience, the most common reasons have been to eliminate debt, have extra cash on hand and obtain financial security.  However, I have had clients use a revere mortgage to buy another home, travel and invest in other assets.  As the general public continues to better understand the HECM program and its benefits, we are seeing more reasons for its use.  Huffington Post recently published their best reasons for taking out a reverse mortgage and you can read about it here.

For more information on reverse mortgages and other related topics contact:

Rick R. Rodriguez
Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional, CRMP
NMLS# 473353
Toll Free (877) 500-0454
Local (702) 460-6222
