
Showing posts from June, 2014

Reverse Mortgages Now Protect Spouses Under Age 62

Starting August 4, 2014, reverse mortgages must list both spouses on the loan, so the surviving spouse won't have to worry about facing foreclosure.  This change stems from a recent court ruling requiring HUD to make guideline changes.  The loan qualification will still be based on the age of the younger spouse.  

Reverse Mortgages Ready to Boom

In a recent segment of CBS MoneyWatch , reverse mortgages are said to "be ready for their own reversal of fortune."  The segment goes on to say that "the reverse mortgage is going to be a lifeline for millions of retirees in the years to come."  Recently, the Government made changes to help strengthen the program and there is a new marketing campaign, known as Extreme Summit, that will begin airing in July a series of TV commercials and Internet ads. Learn more about reverse mortgages from a top producer and industry leader: Rick Rodriguez Reverse Mortgage Specialist, NMLS 473353 (877)576.3783 toll free